Active Movement with Little Sports Heroes
At Grimshaw St ELC, we offer children the opportunity to engage in fun, active movement experiences, delivered by Little Sports Heroes.
Physically active play can help children to:
- develop large muscles, strength & balance
- develop flexibility & coordination including hand-eye coordination
- develop skills such as throwing, catching, hopping, skipping, climbing & balancing
- develop an awareness of space, such as over/under, in front/behind, on top/beneath, inside/outside
- develop mathematical concepts such as long/short, big/small, wide/narrow
- be confident in controlling their bodied and learn their limits
- learn to cooperate and share with others
- understand that physical activity is fun and can release tension.
If you have any questions, about the program, please speak with our Centre Manager, Ara. – or you can book a tour of Grimshaw St ELC at a time that suits you and your family.